It is a firm conviction of mine that bananas and chocolate make a phenomenal combination. (And that's coming from a non-chocolate lover -- I know, *gasp*!) It is this recipe, in fact, which cemented that conviction (which has since been supported by delectable (frozen) chocolate-dipped bananas and bananas as a chocolate fondue dipping option).
This is an oft-requested brunch and dessert (and snacking) treat among my family and friends. One batch of batter makes a medium sized loaf and almost 10 mini muffins (see picture above). Or, you can make a large loaf with this recipe (as it calls for), or make all (big or mini) muffins -- whatever suits you. Aside from just devouring a piece of this as-is, it has been said that lightly toasting and adding either butter or (better, according to my husband) cream cheese is pretty darned delicious. And, dare I say, if you were to make french toast with this as the bread, you'd be a hero for sure!
In case you were not aware, you can freeze whole bananas (peel them first), and if you have some very/ too-ripe ones you aren't likely to eat, this is a good idea. Just keep a bag in the freezer and pop in the bananas which you're not going to get to, and you'll be in good shape to make this recipe (which calls for 4 (very) ripe bananas). Â Do not worry about how gross or mushy the bananas seem when defrosted; they will work -- I promise!
And, as is the case with almost everything I bake, this freezes beautifully. Just wrap up the loaf or pop the muffins in a freezer bag and keep them in your freezer. You will then be prepared for any future banana chocolate chip cake or muffin emergencies, or for the next meal to which you are asked to bring a dessert.
Enjoy and happy baking!