Having survived the holidays (hopefully in one piece), it's time to ring in the new year. If you are like me, good food and drink are central to pretty much any occasion. And should you be thinking a cheese board would be a great way to end 2023 and start 2024, I couldn't agree more! (I've included a visual primer above should you need it.) That plus the artichoke dip recipe I posted a few days ago should put you in a pretty good cheese-coma state of mind (one of my happiest states of mind) as another likely tumultuous year begins.
Sadly, what to eat/ serve is not the only decision you may be thinking about right now. After all, so many people make resolutions for the new year right around now. It's not an altogether bad idea, in my opinion, but I think the majority of resolutions made tend to be a bit more grand than realistic. And we all know that when goals are set too high, many people just a) give up and never achieve them and b) get discouraged/ depressed that they didn't/couldn't do so.
So, yet again (am I starting to sound like a broken record yet?), I am here to suggest that when thinking about a life goal (be it a new year's resolution or not), think about the baby steps it takes to achieve it and MAKE THE BABY STEP(S) YOUR RESOLUTION. Afterall, you will certainly not be disappointed if you OVER-DELIVER on your resolution(s), right? So why set yourself up with a goal which may be too lofty? 'Lose 25 pounds' may be too lofty; maybe try 'eat more veggies' or 'cook at home more often' or 'do something physical at least once a day (week?) -- even if it's just a few laps around the kitchen table.' Many folks decide they want to 'be organized' in the next year (whether in general or in a particular area in their life). This is likely too broad a goal for many -- but, scheduling 15 or 30 minutes a week into your calendar (a standing appointment, if you will), is a great way to know that you will find time every week to work on whatever area you feel needs work the most. See how those baby steps work?
Obviously not all goals can be broken down into baby steps, but many can. One of my ongoing resolutions is to become more patient. Oof; hasn't worked yet. But, now thinking about how I can actually get there, I realize that if I NOT curse (to myself/ in my car) when someone is driving below the speed limit on a one-land road where passing is unsafe, then maybe I can do it more and more and maybe it will become a habit. Who knows? I can assure you, though, that this is far more realistic than working on ALL the areas in my life where I need/ should be/ want to be more patient. Baby steps.
Only you know what you aspire for yourself in 2024. I am not suggesting you shouldn't dream big; just that setting a realistic goal for yourself is a better idea for a resolution. Work toward the big goal, but don't set yourself up for disappointment. And learn from experience! If you (like I) keep making the same resolution and have yet to achieve it, maybe it's time to change the resolution (but keep the goal). That's what I'll be doing, anyway.
2023 was a hell of a year and a year I am quite content to put in the rear view window. While I hope for peace (abroad and at home) and tolerance (abroad and at home), I don't think either are especially likely for 2024. So let's just do what we can to survive and make the most of this coming year by not over-promising, practicing self-care, seeing the beautiful world around us, eating well, and spending times with loved ones. Those are ways we can achieve a happy and healthy 2024!