I've already written about approaching 2025 with gusto since we have no idea what the future may bring. After all, if you simply wait for life to unfold, the things you really want may elude you. So how do you make the most out of 2025? Grab your calendar and start entering things which will enhance your life. January (i.e. NOW) is the perfect time to plan out your year as best you can (recognizing that life can occasionally interfere).
If you have (or want/ expect to have) regularly scheduled weekly or monthly commitments, add them to your calendar now (in January) so you don't double book or forget something. If you often feel overwhelmed and like you don't have enough time to do everything you need or want, block out time every week (or month, or day, as appropriate) and treat that time with the same respect you would if it was an important recurring appointment. It really doesn't matter what this "me time" is for -- just allocate the time now and try your hardest to keep those time commitments sacred.
Now is also a great time to plan your 2025 vacation schedule. Taking a break from your daily routine is crucial for recharging, and the earlier you block out days, weeks, or extended weekends, the more it will benefit your mental well-being throughout the course of the year.
I know it's not easy to figure out what dates to take off until you have a specific plan in mind. And I know how hard it can be to get started with a plan. Oftentimes, I find that working backwards can really help. Specifically, that means looking at your calendar with all the easy things included, like ongoing appointments, traditional holiday gatherings, special events you already know about (i.e. weddings, big birthday parties, conferences, etc.). Then decide if you want to add on any extra time around those occasions (like adding some sightseeing days to a conference). If you plan to take time off with other people, check their calendars now (especially if school calendars are involved!) and see what timing is especially good or bad. If there is a trip or destination which you're hoping to explore, you can figure out the best time to go there and plan accordingly. (Feel free to call a travel advisor if you want help.) And, should those ideas not really help, take a bird's eye look at your calendar and see where the biggest gaps in days off are; then (randomly) break those up with a long weekend or two -- or a week off.
Just having some planned time away from your daily routine is healthy and gives you something to look forward to throughout the year. Plus, you are more likely to get the requested time away from the office approved by asking for it sooner than later, especially around the holidays (if you are working). And, oftentimes, better rates are available for travel further out, should that be on your radar. If you're worried about losing money due to canceled travel plans, trip insurance is an option. Such a policy can provide reassurance, particularly if you have a close family member who might require your assistance or if your job might necessitate a cancellation. Click here for an article listing top travel insurance companies, and/ or check about trip insurance coverage that may be included through your credit card. Remember, requesting dates now at work doesn't mean you need to keep these dates -- you can give them back and/or change them if you want (as though you were requesting the time off with less-advanced notice).
Once you have dates, you can start thinking about (or, better yet, dreaming about ) how to spend that time. There are many ways to fill this restorative time off at every budget. I, personally, happen to love staycations, local exploration (as evidenced by my VT 251 journeys), visiting family/ friends, and traveling to foreign lands. I try to ensure there is a mix of these every few years, but budget constraints dictate specifically what happens which year.
There's a lot we cannot control in our lives (especially right now, here in the USA). But there's a lot we CAN control and plan for; and January is a great month to think about how you want to make the most of this (still) new year. So, pull out your calendar (electronic or paper) and start pondering.