With possibly the most important U.S. presidential election coming up, I think it is imperative that people do what they can to help save our democracy. And since one of my credos is, "knowledge is power," I, like Taylor Swift, implore you and those you know to do your research and then vote your conscience (mine happens to align with Taylor's). I also believe we should all do something to support our various cause(s), and that is why I have written this. Not sure what YOU can do? Here's something easy and fun anyone can do to make a difference.
Now, I try very hard to be open-minded and tolerant (with varying degrees of success), and so I have been working to understand what (more than blind devotion to a cult) otherwise/ formerly rational people find appealing or compelling enough to vote for Trump. Through much querying, most of the reasons I have been given or have seen are based on propagandized (mis-)information being disseminated in the US.
[Unlikely (or unwilling) to interact with Trumpists? Feel free to click here to skip to the end as this next part is irrelevant, although possibly of interest].
For those of you who do or may interact with Trumpists, I have sifted through mountains of data (some false, some legit, much biased) to offer you ways to rebut their oft-cited false narratives. Below you will find fact-based responses to common positions held by Trumpists  (with links to their sources) which I hope you will share or refer to over these next critical weeks as you try to help some of them see the light (as it were). As far as I'm concerned, any time we can make someone think twice (much less change a mind) based on data, it's a win.
Wondering where/ how to start engaging with a follower/ believer/ likely voter of Trump? I think it is wise to understand where they are coming from, and here is the first question I ask of his supporters (to which I have yet to get any response other than a huff):
With literally HUNDREDS of former US political, legal, security and military leaders and co-workers finding Trump to be one of the greatest risks to American democracy, as well as national and economic security, what do you know that they don't know? Â
Click here and here for lists of and commentary from National Security Leaders and former/ current GOP experts who are putting country over party respectively... (Want more proof? Click here.)
Life is more expensive now than it was 4 years ago, and this high inflation is (Biden/) Harris' fault. And, Trump's tariff plan will keep prices from going up.
My taxes will go up if Harris wins
Trump is better for the economy (the economy is currently failing)/ I'll make more money if Trump is President
Crime is up and Trump will keep us safer.
Trump will save the country from immigrants
Kamala will "confiscate everybody's guns"
Trump has said that he is not associated with Project 2025 (the conservative handbook/ wish list).
Who cares about Project 2025 anyway; it won't affect me.
What has Kamala done?
Kamala is a Communist/ Marxist
Trump is better for the Jews
CHECK YOUR VOTER REGISTRATION here AND THEN VOTE (even if you feel your vote won't make a difference). AND VOTE AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. The future of this democracy relies on it. Do not assume that because you voted in your area previously that you are still registered. |
Aside from voting, a great and effective way to make a difference is by writing reasons to support (or not support) a candidate on post-it notes and place them all over the place! Carry a stack (pre-written) with you and stick them in the backs of taxis, the insides of bathroom stalls, in library carols, on street posts, in locker rooms, or wherever people may see them.
I, personally, cannot fathom how anyone, in their right (non-xenophobic, misogynistic, racist, hateful) mind could consider voting for Trump with so much data and proven history of his failures (business, economic, Covid), immorality (convicted sexual abuser, mishandling charity finances, and prevarication. But that is just me having synthesized what I have found to be impartial and supportable data through research. You do you.
Peace (and democracy) out.